Fill in the blank with the correct form of the present perfect. You do not need capital letters or accents for this.

1.) Los chicos_____hecho la tarea.
2.) Maria ____ ____ (limpiar)
3.) Usted ha ____(ver) la pelicula?
4.) Yo he ____(comer) los tacos.
5.) Nosotros _____leido el libro.

My answers:

1.) Ha
2.) Ha, limpia
3.) Ve
4.) Como
5.) Hemos

I was really confused with this assignment, but, hopefully these are the right answers. If they aren't, could someone please help me? I'd appreciate it! :)

4 answers

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin.
1. los chicos is plural so the verb must be as well = han
2. ha limpiado. With the Present Perfect Tense only half is the verb haber. The 2nd half is the past participle or -do form = ha limpiado
3. ha visto (some past participles are irregular and do not end in -do. Regular verbs -ar end in -ado / -er verbs end in ido as do -ir verbs = ido. Irregular past participles you must memorize: ver = visto / abrir = abierto / cubrir = cubierto / freir = frito / haber = hecho / morir = muerto / poner = puesto / romper = roto / volver = vuelto. Get a list of them alphabetically and concentrate on them.
4. he comido
5. hemos leĆ­do (that one DOES have an accent mark.

I'll flag this so that if you have more questions, put them here and I'll come back later.

@SraJMcGin, thank you so much!! You were a great help!! :)
Any time!
