Feminists argue that since the past millennium in the West have been dominated by men-whether they be politicians in power or the historians recording it all - Western literature reflects a masculine bias.and consequently, represents and inaccurate and harmful image of women.In order to fix this image and create a balanced canon, works by females and works about females should be added and judged on a different, feminine scale.
I want to know whether you agree on the statement starting with "In order to fix this... and why
3 answers
Why should female authors be judged on a different scale? I think all authors should be judged on the same scale.
Shouldn't the criteria for good literature be the same -- no matter the gender or ethnic group of the author?
Absolutely, Ms. Sue! Women write as well as men and should be judged as such. Think Willa Cather, Edith Wharton, Hilary Mantel, Dorothy Sayers, and on and on and on.
Alice Munro who won the Nobel Prize last year. Lots of popular male authors can't hold a candle to the great female authors.
Alice Munro who won the Nobel Prize last year. Lots of popular male authors can't hold a candle to the great female authors.