families with limited means are more interested in securing clean,safe,and resonably comfortable housing than to finding quaters that are especially psychlogically.
a)change find to finding
b)change the spelling to especially to especialy
c)no correction is necessary
6 answers
To borrow another tutor's wording, you will find here at Jiskha that long series of questions posted, with no evidence of effort or thought by the person posting, will not be answered. We will gladly respond to your future questions in which you have indicated what YOU think the answer is.
It's not A because "find" is not used.
It's not B because "especially" is spelled correctly, so no correction is necessary
It's not B because "especially" is spelled correctly, so no correction is necessary
Nope, sorry -- there are errors, but I want to see what "jenny" thinks the errors are first.
in finding its suppose to be find so it would be a
It's hard to tell if "a" is correct; I don't think it is. There are so many other errors in that sentence, it's difficult to determine.
Families with limited means are more interested in securing clean, safe, and resonably comfortable housing than in finding quarters that are especially psychologically.<~~what? There's something missing here.
Families with limited means are more interested in securing clean, safe, and resonably comfortable housing than in finding quarters that are especially psychologically.<~~what? There's something missing here.
resonably ~~> should be "reasonably"