There are lots of places you can find online if you Google college scholarships, but just about all of them want you to pay them some money in order to put you and your data through their database.
My suggestions are to go to the college you're planning to attend and work with someone in the financial aid office. You should also go into your state's main website and conduct a search for scholarships -- to see if there's a state program that will help. For example, here's this for young people in Texas:
Hunt around, but make sure you don't pay anyone to find money for you!!
Fall Semester will begin on the 15 of August. I recently got my GED and its been a long time coming. I am 30yrs old. Are there any scholarships that can help me with college? I want to major in Criminal Justice.
Thank you in advance for your help!
8 answers
Here's my two-cents worth --
A few days ago I talked with two young college students who were admitted to their selective state universities and received good scholarship help. They both agreed that their essays probably played a large part in their successes.
Both had good stories to tell -- and they told them creatively and well. You may want to concentrate on why you didn't graduate from high school. Why has your GED been so long coming? What obstacles have you surmounted in your education -- and the rest of your life? Why do you want to be successful? What factors in your life have led you to choose criminal justice?
We'll be glad to help you fine-tune your essay(s) applying for scholarships.
A few days ago I talked with two young college students who were admitted to their selective state universities and received good scholarship help. They both agreed that their essays probably played a large part in their successes.
Both had good stories to tell -- and they told them creatively and well. You may want to concentrate on why you didn't graduate from high school. Why has your GED been so long coming? What obstacles have you surmounted in your education -- and the rest of your life? Why do you want to be successful? What factors in your life have led you to choose criminal justice?
We'll be glad to help you fine-tune your essay(s) applying for scholarships.
Thank you
Thank you,
I been having a hard time finding scholarships in the state of Alabama.
Thank you again
I been having a hard time finding scholarships in the state of Alabama.
Thank you again
Thank you Mrs.Sue
I will be posting. Thank you again.
I will be posting. Thank you again.
You're very welcome. We look forward to your next posts!
Check this fantastic scholarship site for Gates Millenium Scholars.
The College Board's website is absolutely excellent:
You'll be especially interested in the following sections:
* Find a College
* Apply to College (and there's excellent help for writing the college essay here, too)
* Pay for College
You'll be especially interested in the following sections:
* Find a College
* Apply to College (and there's excellent help for writing the college essay here, too)
* Pay for College