Perhaps you mean Hadean, when the planets of the solar system were just forming out of dust and particles. There were no solid rocks or anything yet, so you could hardly call it geologic.
The thing about gravity is that if two specks of dust are drifting around the sun alongside each other, they are pulled together by their own gravitational fields. The more particles get pulled together, the bigger the particles and the bigger the forces. Eventually the particles look more like a cloud than individual particles, then a few million years later you have something that is liquid, or perhaps solid.
Explain why Earth and other planets were not solid when they formed during the beginning of the Precambrian, approximately 4,600 million years ago (MYA). What was this particular time period called, and why is this time period not really considered a partof Earth’s geological history?
117 answers
wow cool
To find your answer go to connexus acadeny website and it will be waiting for you there! :)
The beginning of the Pre Cambrian is known as the Hadean eon. The planet was just born, and it was very very hot, and in fact molten. There were a lot of volcanic activities, and because of the way the solar system was created, there were still a lot of collisions between different bodies
Hey uhm pankaks is right I did this answer and I got it right. and i know anyways because I am a scientist just finished my college term
Explain why Earth and other planets were not solid when they formed during the
beginning of the Precambrian, approximately 4,600 million years ago (MYA). What was
this particular time period called, and why is this time period not really considered a part
of Earth’s geological history?
beginning of the Precambrian, approximately 4,600 million years ago (MYA). What was
this particular time period called, and why is this time period not really considered a part
of Earth’s geological history?
If you guys are still looking for answers if you go to part on of the question there is a link that you use to find the answer.
If you guys are still looking for answers if you go to part on of the question there is a link that you use to find the answer.I hope this helped :)
All of yall's answers are wrong
thank you people
So because you're a closed minded Christian, that means you can't do a lesson? Thats not religion, thats ignorance.
Excuse me!!!! Christianity is the best religion that I know of! I'm a Free Will Baptist and my dad is a pastor. We read KJV version Bible and it is the best book I have ever read. So don't put down Christians just because you don't believe in Jesus Christ and that he died for you. Don't put us down because we want to live right and not be in sin. I'm not putting anyone down when I'm saying this, but I'm just stating facts. @ -k, keep on being a Christian. Don't change because of what someone says about your religion. BTW, @ Anonymous, you don't have to insult someone because of their beliefs. We are not "closed minded", we are just walking with Christ so that one day we will be able to go to a place with no pain, no sin, no hurtful words. Also, what this person meant is that our religion allows us to believe that God made the Earth. And yes, we do believe in A big bang theory. God spoke the words, and then BANG! the Earth was there, and that is our theory. Go Christianity!!!!
who goes to connexus
I'm sorry but no religion is the best religion. All are eqaul, just as non christans and christans are equal no matter what you believe.
Jeffry is right christians belive that everyone is equal no matter what because jesus loves us all if you believe this you will see him one day.
This is not about religion guys
What is wrong with all of you??? I agree with #i love mystery books. It is all true. (@ I love mystery books, you didn't have to say it so aggressively either.) We can believe what we want. We are following our beliefs. I 100% respect any beliefs. Just because we are not all Christians doesn't me we can hate each other. I am a Pentecostal Christian. I believe we all deserve to be respected, loved, and cared for. I also believe my beliefs are correctly corresponding with the Bible. Stop judging. Believe what you want. If you believe in Purgatory, or Islam, etc., believe it. Only if it is the truth.
There is no such thing as the best religion. (@# I Love Mystey Books, if you really are Christian, you would know it is not a religion, it is a relationship with God, I also am a pastor's kid.)
@Don't Say I Didn't Warn Ya, I know what I was saying... Of course I know it's a relationship with God. and BTW to all of y'all.. i didn't say it was the best one, I said it's the best one I've ever known. I didn't it was positively the best known known to man kind and that's what everyone should believe. I was just stating what I thought and of course, like always, someone took it the wrong way. Sorry for being so rude. I just can't stand it when someone starts making fun of Christians. and @ Jayce, who is this then? No last names plz. Just my first name
The Mesozoic era, the era of the dinosaurs, followed the Paleozoic era. Some fish, insects, reptiles, and cone-bearing plants, called conifers, survived the mass extinction that occurred at the end of the Paleozoic era. These organisms evolved to live on land, in the ocean, and in the air. The first dinosaurs appeared during the Triassic period, as did the first mammals. Dinosaurs diversified during the Jurassic period, and the first birds evolved soon afterward.
@#Ilovemysterybooks I' m with u
Guys stop fighting it doesn’t matter what religion you are! What does homework have to do with religion GOSHH
Damm you people are crazy and I am glad that we live in america where there is free speech and freedom of religious beliefs.
Christian kids stop trying to FORCE your religion on other kids
Christian kids stop trying to FORCE your religion on other kids
Excuse me, but one of the major rules of Christian belief isn't forcing.
Everyone please, this is all a mess. Believe and follow whatever religion you want, but what does any of this religious things have to do with this essay question? Instead of fighting over what some people said, why don't we try to understand the answer.
# love mystery books! your right my whole family are pastors
how did there turn into a religous fight
This has me so lost. How does this become about religion if you feel like serving one then do it because if it makes you happy then it makes you happy and being happy is what matters. let's try and keep this a homework place and if we want to discuss this further then let's do it somewhere else. *BTW-a true Christian would not yell at someone for insulting their religion they should instead respect their decision and politely ask them not to say that in front of you and let God handle the rest.
I love mystery books is right
uhh this is a science discussion not a religious discussion lol
y'all we don't have to turn this into something it's not supposed to be. I just came here because i needed a luh assistance.
Listen, people. I don't care what religion you are or whether or not you think that christian kids are snobs and apparently live under a rock. So just do what you want to do and be what you want to be. Put religion and science aside and live your life.
We're all here for the answers or to check our answers... So let's discuss science, not religion.
Stop fighting please
my name = anser
stop cheeting kids!!!!!!!!!!your parents raised you better than this to cheet!!!!!!
spell cheat correctly
Well this went downhill....
what is going on with this website
Ok i did work and here #2 closely followed in the Silurian by invertebrates, and in the Upper Devonian by vertebrates. 6 are the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous (in the U.S., this is divided into the Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Periods), and Permia
why people on here for religion, man i need help with math not that! yah people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
here's ther real answer forget every other post, here's your help:
The Earth and possibly other planets were not solid because they were still forming. Earth was a giant ball of rock, ice, and dust which over time heated up and melted super dense materials together to make Earth's dense iron core. Over time, the outside of Earth's temperature cooled, forming the mantle and crust.
The Earth and possibly other planets were not solid because they were still forming. Earth was a giant ball of rock, ice, and dust which over time heated up and melted super dense materials together to make Earth's dense iron core. Over time, the outside of Earth's temperature cooled, forming the mantle and crust.
earth formed around 4.6 billion years ago during the precambrian eon, during the hadean era/period
Why are you guys arguing about religion? It shouldn't matter what we all believe in. So, stop this discussion and help this poor child.
lol i cant spell today
Sorry for all you spelling police people. I meant to write Anonymous
The earth was not solid because it was dust, probably from a super nova. This time period is called the Hadean time period the reason it is not considered part of earths geological history is because the earth was not done forming in the Hadean period so there was no rocks to measure the age of the rock.
Alrighty, then..
FOR GODS SAKE, leave religion behind right now, what school tells you you have to respect no matter what you believe. GOD IS NOT GONNA DO YOUR HOMEWORK SO PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER
If you believe in something doesn't mean that you have to discriminate people for not thinking the way you do, that's not how the world works. everyone has different opinions and you shouldn't discriminate someone because of their believes. PLEASE BE MATURE
Aman I love mystery books im also christian but there is no best religion im just saying if you dont believe in God you gonna have trials and tribulations.
Thank you Damon!
do your work Christian you just have to hold on the faith you have and what they're teaching you is wrong so just work and don't cheat
uh... I just can here to get my homework checked. Why is this turning into a religious debate.
Listen Everyone!! We didn't come here to debate over a religious beliefs!! Im not a christian im a Muslim but still...We believe in God right? What would God think of us fighting? when there are people who really need help, and we're too busy fighting over religious beliefs. Were here for Math and please don't cheat just check your answers. Help the people who really need help. -.- i'm late. ;-; ( plz don't take this the wrong way)
@Thisisallamess I Highly agree with you. What grade are you in?
Im in 7th Grade why'd you ask?
I could help on science questions
I just came here bc I needed help …. not to be talking abt religious things
THIS ISNT A RELIGIOUS WEBSITE THIS IS A HOMEWORK HELPER WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
THIS ISNT A RELIGIOUS WEBSITE THIS IS A HOMEWORK HELPER WEBSITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how on evolution did this turn into a religion debate?? My answer was
When earth was just forming, it was mainly dust particles being pulled together, so there were no rocks, yet, it was almost all just dust. You probably couldn’t even call it geologic, which is why it’s not considered a part of earth’s history, because “Earth” wasn’t there yet. This time period was called the Precambrian period, which was right before the Hadean eon.
I apologize if my answer is wrong.
When earth was just forming, it was mainly dust particles being pulled together, so there were no rocks, yet, it was almost all just dust. You probably couldn’t even call it geologic, which is why it’s not considered a part of earth’s history, because “Earth” wasn’t there yet. This time period was called the Precambrian period, which was right before the Hadean eon.
I apologize if my answer is wrong.
It is ok. :)
What they were trying to say is that we think earth was brought in differently than science does we think god made earth scientist think it was dust coming together
white christian men are the #1 terrorists in this country.. pls dont be a terrorist my christian friends...
guys i am a christian but i don't go around saying my religion is the best because 1. its rude 2. it is just plain non christian. this site is for school ok? so let's keep it this way
There's no rights or wrong this is a portfolio
Um this is a homework help site, not a religion chatroom. Hone
Okay, so people have different religions stop arguing okay nobody cares of what you think of the religions are.
Because of the recent passing of Mrs. Sue, I have come to replace her.
your welcome
your welcome
First off how did this become about religion if we were just talking about science YOU GUYS ARE WEIRD!!!!!!!!!!!!! and confusing so you make me confused!!!!!!!
those who stae there beliefs, are simple sharing it, they are not trying to force it. have a good day everyone! :):)
those who stae there beliefs, are simple sharing it, they are not trying to force it. have a good day everyone! :):)
I mean Pismo
Geez you guys are fighting on a website for answers imagine
No one cares we are just here to get answers
The fact that ya'll keep saying your opinions on their argument keeps bringing the topic of religion back. For peep's sake just stop talking about it. People come here to learn and get answers with questions they need help on, so lets put ourselves together and actually help one another
that has my name in it
@wh shush bud nobody needed that .
We're on year 4 of arguing about religion lol. The only reason this started is because of Creation vs. Evolution. Guess what? The lesson is talking about Evolution. I personally believe in Creation, but that doesn't matter right now because that's not what the school is teaching us lol. Learn some fantasy. God created the Earth with it's own history lol
Imagine arguing about religion on the internet, couldn't be me: a happy atheist who still respects what ANYONE believes
Man, I just want the answer. Ya'll really doing the most. :shrug:
The time period at the beginning of Precambrian, was called the Hadean. Because collisions between large planetesimals release a lot of heat, the Earth and other planets would have been molten at the beginning of their histories .Once solid rock formed on the Earth, its geological history began, so braced on this, the Hadean time period is not considered, part of earths geological history. Because the earth was not solid at this point.
so um my paents awe epic qualalalifified science peopel. de anser is carrot. your vewy welkum.
DOES ANYONE ACTUALLY HAVE THE ANSWER IM IN CONNECTIONS 7TH GRADE AND I NEED THE ANSWER FOR "Explain why Earth and other planets were not solid when they formed during the
beginning of the Precambrian, approximately 4,600 million years ago (MYA). What was
this particular time period called, and why is this time period not really considered a part
of Earth’s geological history?" I COPY AND PASTED HAABAAH
beginning of the Precambrian, approximately 4,600 million years ago (MYA). What was
this particular time period called, and why is this time period not really considered a part
of Earth’s geological history?" I COPY AND PASTED HAABAAH
And how did you figure all this out because if i go to connection there is nothing for me to read to even try and "write a sentence"?
(im very stuck)
(im very stuck)
no fighting im a christian
also i agree with u what u said earlier @# love mystery books!
but what does this have to do with the question?
I aggre
Explain why Earth and other planets were not solid when they formed during the
beginning of the Precambrian, approximately 4,600 million years ago (MYA). What was
this particular time period called, and why is this time period not really considered a part
of Earth’s geological history?
beginning of the Precambrian, approximately 4,600 million years ago (MYA). What was
this particular time period called, and why is this time period not really considered a part
of Earth’s geological history?
how did we go from earth 40 billion years ago to why jesus is daddy
idc what nobody say imma keep doing me
Look religon does not matter to anyone. It matters about your soal if your gonna go to hell or paradise it matters about life and death, it matters if your good or bad. Islam is the best religon you could ever find, we believe in every single prophet that walked on this earth, we beleive in moses and jesus and adam and so on, the final prophet was the most important to us. Christans I have a question for you, you believe in moses right? But who did moses believe in? he believed in god the only one. He believed that there was no god but him, he was a muslim too! How come you dont like him? And the jewish people, you believe in Jesus right? But who does Jesus have belief in? he belives in the one god he is also a muslim. How come you wont be like him? How come you only have trust in one prophet if you know that that prophet walked earth how come you dont trust other prophets who had the same message as moses and Jesus. maryam had Jesus alone with no father right? But also Maryam was a muslim, god wanted to show people that god can do anything, that he can make women have a baby without a father so people could come to islam. But people denied god and worshipped Jesus. BUT WHY!? there is no point because jesus wont do you anything only god can do anything, He can make you die, and he will rise you up again, he will give you deeds,and sins, he will have mercy on you or not, he will enter you in only one destination after death,paradise or hell, pick one... Dont worship a creation that god created. Worship god alone without partner, please people I am askeing you to come to guidance... My name means guidance too... هداية menas guidance! Its up to the people if you want to be misguided its gonna be your fault.
This religious debate has been going on for 3 years and counting- which is funny to me- but, can we just call it a cease fire here? Like, come on guys, don't you think this is getting a bit ridiculous? You can count this as part of the religious debate and you'd technically be right, but I feel the need to say something. Admittedly I haven't read the full debate, but I saw that this started in 2017 and is still going, so I'm here to be the true voice of reason.
everyone great job! keep on arguing!
thx @Anonymus
move on** XD
You know, all religion is fake. Science is real and god is a figment of imagination. Go Science!!! #ScienceRocks
By the way, gravity created Earth from gas, dust, and ice. no god could do this, especially since they are fake.
ah you're right! no god could do this, only THE GOD! also, explain how gas, dust, and ice were made. "probably from the big bang..." is what u think :) just plz get ur facts straight before u post dem publicly. why we talking abt religion tho> cant we just do school like cmonn im sooo Christian but im tired of kids saying things they dont understand!
Ok guys i am a christian but guys come on we came here for help not for people to argue.
What is going on here ,we came here to find out answers and what we get? WE GET PEOPLE FIGHTING OVER RELGION AND SCIENCE.SO GOD HELP YALL AND HELP THE REST OF US WITH THIS. I am probably gonna get raged at for say that ;-;
To all of those non religious kids out there ima tell you right now, you need to follow god. It's truly life changing and fun because you get to hang out most of the time at church and talk. Reading the bible transforms you into a better you.
Look...just respect all religions. If god really is watching down on us, would he really like us arguing and disrespecting religions? No. I'm Buddhist, and I don't go discriminating other religions. Now let's all chill, get some hot chocolate or any beverage, and calm down. I'm pretty sure god, Budda, purgatory, can all be real. Now let's also just focus on our homework. And thank you to all who are respectful.
@Welp I agree with you 100%
kids from connexus. do ur porfilio like.. its not that hard. LOOK PEOPLE 1+1=..uh....uh hold up let me look it up in jishka
Idek anymore- this is Jiksha homework help not religion wars
Jiskha oml idk how to spell
ya bro
what the hell we are trying to learn about since like who really cares about your relogion and stuff like this is school this is so stupid
I was just looking here to check over my answers how did this turn into a debate on what religion is best??
This is Ms. Smith at Connections Academy. This is a question on a portfolio assignment and if you copy this answer, as I see that one of my students just did, you will be written up, just like this student will be.
This is a violation of the Honor Code and could lead to expulsion. It is a serious matter. We even allow corrections up to full points back on any incorrect parts of the assignment. There is no excuse for this. Stop plagiarizing, yes, it is plagiarizing; put some effort into your school work and use what you were given...YOUR BRAIN!
This is a violation of the Honor Code and could lead to expulsion. It is a serious matter. We even allow corrections up to full points back on any incorrect parts of the assignment. There is no excuse for this. Stop plagiarizing, yes, it is plagiarizing; put some effort into your school work and use what you were given...YOUR BRAIN!