Ali may not see his lateness as rude because he had a valid reason for being late - he had a prior commitment with his professor that he needed to attend to. He may argue that he had no control over the timing of the appointment and that it was important for his academic progress.
On the other hand, Shari could view Ali's lateness as rude because he made the commitment to have dinner at 7:00 p.m and failed to honor it. She may feel that Ali should have either rescheduled his appointment or informed her in advance about the potential delay. In Shari's perspective, being on time and honoring commitments is a basic display of respect for others' time and expectations.
Ultimately, the difference in opinion arises from their varying perspectives and personal values regarding punctuality and commitment. Ali may prioritize his academic commitments, while Shari may emphasize the importance of meeting social obligations in a timely manner.
Explain why Ali and Shari would differ over whether Ali's lateness is rude.
Ali invited a fellow classmate, Shari, to dinner. She arrived at the restaurant at precisely 7:00 p.m., the agreed time. Ali arrived a half-hour later and explained that he had to wrap up a 7:00 p.m appointment with his professor.
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