1. It will help them to choose the choices that are better and avoid the negative works they may be dangerous.
2. It may also help them to avoid the works that may affect their lives or that may ruin their lives
Explain two factors why it is important for youth to investigate and be knowledgeable about it?
6 answers
it will help them to make better choices and not to expose themselves to unintentional injuries
1.To prevent. it is much better to prevent a situation than to try to solve it after it happened
2.Knowing the consequences of the behaviour. before you dare to do something it would be very useful to project the possible concequences pf your action, whatever they are And if the concequences are positive then you can do it but if they are negative dont dare try to do it but if you can handle the concequences then do it.
2.Knowing the consequences of the behaviour. before you dare to do something it would be very useful to project the possible concequences pf your action, whatever they are And if the concequences are positive then you can do it but if they are negative dont dare try to do it but if you can handle the concequences then do it.
It will help them not to make choice that will impact negatively on there health and life
it will aid them for understanding the consequence of their deviant behaviour this will ease chances of people participating in negative activities hence people enjoy doing things that promote pleasure rather than pain.
why myanmar people are still under control by military