Explain to what extent religion does or does not belong as part of government policy.

Three reasons

3 answers

The U.S. government?

What do you think?
government policy making

I forgot a word

I dont know what side to be on and dont know what my three points would be. I did search the question up and read other peoples work. But, i am still unsure and need help please. Also, i should mention I'm reading The Scarlet Letter and the question above pertains to it. In my opinion its a very difficult book to read and i have read summaries etc. i would appreciate someones help plz.
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof"

The government cannot establish or favor any religion. It cannot stop people from worshipping the way they want.

As a retired public school teacher, I'm amused at the furor about praying in school. Of course people pray in schools. Students ask God to help them pass a test. Many say a silent grace before eating. Teachers sometimes pray for patience. All of this is legal. Prayer becomes illegal when the teacher leads a prayer out loud.