Explain three roles each institution plays in addressing violations of human rights

4 answers

Roles of cerd
The -The CERD is composed of 18 independent experts who are elected for a term of four years.
-Elections for 9 out of 18 members occur every two years in order to ensure CERD maintains a balance between changing the committee.
-Racial discrimination remains a barrier to the full redisation of human rights.
-Monitoring racial equality and non-discrimination.
- CERD plays a crucial role in monitoring and reviewing state obligations under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (CERD).
- The committee receives and examines reports from state parties on the implementation of the Convention and provides recommendations on ways to improve the protection and promotion of racial equality and non-discrimination.
- CERD also undertakes investigations and inquiries into allegations of serious and systematic violations of the Convention.

Roles of UNHRC
- The UN Human Rights Council (UNHRC) is the main UN body responsible for promoting and protecting human rights around the world.
- One of the main roles of UNHRC is to monitor the human rights situation in different countries, through the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process, which involves the review of reports from states, civil society, and other stakeholders.
- The UNHRC also establishes various mechanisms, such as commissions of inquiry, fact-finding missions, and special rapporteurs to investigate and report on specific human rights issues, violations, or situations around the world.

Roles of ICC
- The International Criminal Court (ICC) is a permanent international criminal tribunal established to investigate and prosecute individuals responsible for the most serious crimes of concern to the international community, including genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity.
- The ICC plays a key role in ensuring accountability for human rights violations by investigating and prosecuting individuals who bear the greatest responsibility for such crimes.
- The ICC also provides an important forum for victims to seek justice and redress for the harm they have suffered as a result of serious human rights violations.
The roles of cescr
The Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR) is the UN body responsible for monitoring the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR). The main roles of CESC are as follows:

1. Monitoring state parties’ obligations: The main function of CESC is to monitor the implementation of the ICESCR by state parties. It receives and analyses reports from states parties and other stakeholders, including civil society organizations, on the progress made towards the realization of economic, social and cultural rights.

2. Provide guidance to state parties: CESC provides guidance to state parties on how to fulfil their obligations under the ICESCR, including through the adoption of general comments on various thematic issues such as the right to work, housing, education, and health.

3. Review complaints and undertake inquiries: CESC is empowered to review individual complaints alleging violations of economic and social rights by state parties. It can also undertake inquiries in response to reliable information indicating the existence of serious or systematic violations of the ICESCR by a state party.

4. Foster international cooperation: CESC promotes international cooperation among states and other stakeholders to support the realization of economic, social and cultural rights. This includes encouraging partnerships between states, international organizations, and civil society organizations to address the poverty, inequality, and discrimination that impedes the enjoyment of these rights.