Evaluate why the protesters were willing to continue protest efforts despite the Chinese government resistance

1 answer

There could be several reasons why the protesters were willing to continue their protest efforts despite resistance from the Chinese government.

Firstly, the protesters may feel strongly about the issue they are protesting against and believe that their cause is worth fighting for, even in the face of adversity. They may be passionate about seeking justice, equality, or change and are determined to see their demands met.

Secondly, the protesters may be motivated by a sense of solidarity and camaraderie with their fellow protesters. Being part of a protest movement can create a sense of community and shared purpose, which can be a powerful motivator to keep fighting, even when faced with opposition.

Thirdly, the protesters may be inspired by similar movements in other countries that have succeeded in achieving their goals through perseverance and determination. They may be encouraged by the idea that change is possible, even in the face of strong government resistance.

Finally, the protesters may be driven by a sense of personal sacrifice and commitment to their cause. They may be willing to endure hardship and risk their safety in order to stand up for what they believe in and make a difference.

Overall, the protesters' willingness to continue their protest efforts despite government resistance likely stems from a combination of personal conviction, solidarity with fellow protesters, inspiration from other movements, and a sense of personal sacrifice and commitment to their cause.