evaluate the physical, social and economic consequences of this crime to the offender.How did this corruption and fraud impact negatively in the country; for example service delivery, tax, expense of trial. ......1 to 2 pages pls I need ur help

35 answers

Which crime? Where? When?
fraud and corruption
Where? When?
evaluate the physical,social and economic consequences of this crime to the offender.how did this corruption and fraud impact negative in the country for example service delivery,tax,expense of trail (1 to 2 pages)
physical, social and economic consequences of this crime to the offender. how did this corruption and fraud impact negetively in the country, for example, service delivery, tax, expense of trial
we have to stop crime before it destroy our lives ,,madoda mase vukeni
Evaluate the physical, social and economic consequences
Social consequence:
One will not be trusted by the society and that will disable him/her from socialising. It will not be easy to be included in community activities.
how did social,physical, economic consequences corruption and fraud impact negatively in the country?
we have to trust each other as society and stick at one thing
i need an answer
The answer is google
dnt know just help me with the anawers
mxm give us answers Lena dixura
Recent corruption and fraud cases in the country making headlines in the media
1. Life orientation
I dnt knw de ansa,I nid help as well
plz guys let's help 1 anthr
ape ge le sa nyake gore thuxa lebolele e sale ka pela
i dnt knw the answer guyz,plz jst help me
plz help me I don't know the answer
I want your help plz LO it is so difficult i want somebody to help me
Pls hlp
Can'yall help me with the LO......number 3
pls guys help.
evaluate the physical, social and economic consequences of fraud and corruption.How corruption and fraud impact negatively in the country for example service delivery, tax, expense of trail.
Hlp me gyz
guys please am in need of that answer
Guys we are all family so let's help one another
Help with de answers guyz plz
Plz me 2 i dnt knw