Evaluate the following argument. In your evaluation you should address whether each premise is acceptable or unacceptable, providing the condition of premise acceptability/unacceptability, indicate the nature of each inference (deductive or inductive), and whether or not each inference is a strong argument.

1. The complex material dealt with at university requires that students be well grounded in basic skills of reading and writing.
2. According to many educators, elementary school teachers teach students in their most formative years when basic skills are best taught.
3. Therefore, the job of elementary school teachers is more important than that of university professors.
4. People should be paid according to the importance of their jobs to society.
5. University professors are already overpaid.
6. Elementary school teachers should be better paid than university professors.

3 answers

What kind of help do you need? Is there something you don't understand about this assignment? Make sure you understand what inductive and deductive reasoning are.
Weather the premise is acceptable or unacceptable
The weather in my city is just fine, thank you. Whether or not the premise is acceptable or unacceptable is up to you to decide. No one will do your assignment for your. What do YOU think, and why?