Genocide is defined as the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular ethnic group or nation. In the context of tensions between ethnic groups in Ethiopia, acts of violence that specifically target one particular group can be considered genocide. When conflicts escalate and result in large-scale killings and atrocities against a specific ethnic group, this can be seen as a deliberate attempt to eliminate that group, which aligns with the definition of genocide.
Therefore, the underlying tensions, political instability, and competition for power in Ethiopia can create a volatile environment where genocide may occur as different groups may seek to assert dominance or revenge against others through extreme measures of violence and destruction.
Ethiopia is home to numerous ethnic groups, some of which have a history of conflict and tensions with one another. These underlying tensions can escalate into violence and result in genocide.
Political instability and competition for power in Ethiopia can also contribute to violent conflicts and acts of genocide. In times of political turmoil, different groups may resort to extreme measures to gain and maintain control, leading to atrocities against specific ethnic or religious groups.
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