Escribe unas frases hablando de las cosas en tu vida o en tu familia. Usa los adjetivos demostrativos (este, ese, aquel) y luego escribe esas oraciones de nuevo, la segunda vez, usando los pronombres en vez de los adjetivos + sustantivos. Escribe por lo menos diez oraciones completas. Esta tarea vale 20 puntos.

so far I have only three, and is having trouble creating these sentences.
1. Ésta es afroamericano.
2. Aquélla es muy bonita.
3. Esto es muy malo.

3 answers

I'll send this to our Spanish expert, SraJMcGin. Please check back for her reply.
You can talk about things in your home, as well as people. That will help stretch out the sentences. First of all, the demonstrative adjectives are followed by a noun. Then, in the second sentence, you drop the noun and put the accent on the demonstrative pronoun. Look in your book or workbook where you learned the demonstratives for ideas.

1. Let's take no. 1 first. You are using the pronoun here and NOT the adjective. You need to use the adjective first. Because "esta" or "ésta" is feminine, no way is it afroamericano. Here's an example of what you might do: Esta muchacha es afroamericana. ´Esta es afroamericana.

See if you can redo #2 and #3, plus add more sentences so you will have at least 5 with the adjective and 5 with the pronoun. If I read y our instructions, you must have at LEAST 10 complete sentences.

I'll flag this and come back later to see how you are doing. Be sure you see the difference between the adjective (no accent) followed by a noun and the pronoun (with accent and no noun).

Mon. 23 Feb. As there is n o reply, I am deleting this.