Escribe una descripcion de tu dormitorio o tu dormitorio ideal y las cosas que estan en el dormitorio.

I posted before about this and I really WAS just wondering but I'm confused on what they're looking for. I understand the list things in your dorm part.

5 answers

The first part of the assignment asks for a description of either the dormitory where you live, or (in case you don't live on campus) a description of what you would consider your ideal dormitory. This might include community cooking facilities, off-street parking, a TV or game room, exercise facilities etc. that are not part of your actual room. The last part (which you understand) asks for the things you would like to have in that room.

I have added a lot to my interpretation of the question that was not actually in the Spanish text.
This is what you wrote in Spanish, translated to English:

Write a description of your bedroom or your ideal bedroom and the things that are in the bedroom.

I got the translation, I just didn't get the question