posted by rfvv today at 1:31am.
1. Team one, come up here. Are you ready? Go!
2. Team one, come to the front. Who is the movie director? You should say, "Ready? Let's go." Then act in the play.
3. Come up here, members of Team 1. The director should say,"Ready? Action!" Then you should start acting out the play.
4. Team 1 should start acting in this play. The director in this team should say,"Ready? Action!" Then they can act out.
[Which ones are correct and commonly used? Would you correct any errors? Thank you.]
English - Reed today at 2:09am
As I have explained before, numerals under 13 must always be spelled. It's Team One, NOT Team 1 when used in a sentence.
#1 is fine.
#2 "then act in the play" is a phrase, a prepositional phrase, not a separate sentence.
#3 is fine
#4 Same as #2
Thank you for your help.
5. Then you can act out the play.
6. Then you can act out in the play.
7. Then you can act in the play.
8. Then you can act the play.
[Which exporessions are grammatical?]
1 answer