Engage in some Internet-based research on the relationships between the technical production aspects of film and television. What specific visual film techniques do you see utilized in contemporary television

6 answers

218 is one of the the strangest names for a school subject I've seen.

How would you like us to help you with this assignment?
Sorry about that
the relationships between the technical production aspects of film and television. What specific visual film techniques do you see utilized in contemporary television?
I suspect you're taking this class from Ashford "University." But what does CGD stand for?

What internet-based research have you done?
CGD 218 Visual Literacy in Business Communication -- is this the course you're taking?

Ms. Sue asked what internet-based research you have already done. Until you let people here know this, no one can help you. When Ms. Sue asked how you'd like us to help you, all you did was to repost the assignment -- which is not helpful. Those are not YOUR questions.

So ... if you truly want help (and don't expect anyone here to do your work for you), please answer Ms. Sue's questions.
I have a question for Mrs. Sue. When you used quotations around University when describing Ashford were you trying to suggest something? I am about to finish my accounting degree there and have often wondered if I will fin discrimination because of the stigma that is associated with it.