El maistra es una aficionado el beisbol.

4 answers

The teacher is a fan of baseball.
Manny's translation is probably what was intended, but there are some problems with the Spanish version. "El" does not match the gender of "maistra", which should be "maestro" if the subject is masculine; otherwise it should be "la maestra". Also, the "el" in front of "beisbol" should be "del".
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. There is also another problem with the adjective. You must know the gender of the noun before you can determine the adjective. So it is either:
masculine = El maestro es un aficionado del beisbol.

feminine = La maestra es una aficionada del beisbol.

But in any event the English is correct.
PS Although "aficionado de" is correct, I always preferred "aficionado a."
