Eight players P:I, P2,. ..... P8 play a knock-out tournament. It is known that whenever the players Pi and Pj play; the player Pi will win if i < j. Assuming that the players are paired at random in each round, what is the probability that the player P4 reaches the final ?
4 answers
Ms.Sue?? Steve sir?? Teachers??
How can player Pi win, if "i<j"?
See, it goes like this. Say for example P3 plays against P5 (i=3, j=5). So according to the question P3 will win because 3<5.
I am extremely sorry. The question should have been as follows.
*Eight players P1,P2..,P8 play 3 sets of a knockout tournament....*
*Eight players P1,P2..,P8 play 3 sets of a knockout tournament....*