Each of the statements below attempts to explain why some periodic property varies predictably among elements in the periodic table. Determine if each statement is true or false.

Within a family, elements with higher atomic numbers have higher electronegativity because the valance electrons are in lower principal energy levels.
Within a period, elements with higher atomic numbers require less energy to remove an electron from the atom, because the valance electrons are in higher principal energy levels.
Within a family, elements with lower atomic numbers have atoms of larger radius because the atoms have lower effective nuclear charge.
Within a family, elements with lower atomic numbers require more energy to remove an electron from the atom, because the atoms have higher effective nuclear charge.
Within a family, elements with higher atomic numbers have lower ionization energy because the valance electrons are in higher principal energy levels.
Within a period, elements with higher atomic numbers pull more strongly on electrons in a bond, because the atoms have lower effective nuclear charge.

1 answer

I will happily critique your thinking, and perhaps argue it out with you.