Dr. Martin Luther King spoke at the funeral of three of the little girls killed in the Birmingham bombing. In his eulogy, he said, “The innocent blood of these little girls may well serve as a redemptive force that will bring new light to this dark city.” He also reiterated his hope for the future and his commitment to nonviolence. How are King’s words here consistent with his message in “Letter from Birmingham Jail”?
6 answers
Have you read the Letter from Birmingham Jail?
but i still don't get it
Did Dr. King advocate for non-violence in both the letter and the funeral speech? Did he hope for a better future in both? Did he speak of new light or anything similar in the letter?
Any other similarities you can find? What was the basic message in the letter?
Any other similarities you can find? What was the basic message in the letter?
Thanks i got it now
Okay! :) Also see my note in answer to your previous question about the church bombing. I'm glad to help. I'm old enough to remember these events. So is Ms. Sue. It was more dramatic than you can perhaps understand today. It really did change the world (at least in the United States).