I'd say yes.
This online dictionary shows two meanings, but one is a technical term and I have never heard "barber" used that way.
Doesn't the word 'barber' only have one meaning?
3 answers
If you really want to study a vocabulary word, don't forget a good Etymology Dictionary:
barber Look up barber at Dictionary.com
early 14c., from Anglo-Fr. barbour (attested as a surname from 1221), from O.Fr. barbeor, barbieor (Mod.Fr. barbier, which has a more restricted sense than the English word), from V.L. *barbatorem, from L. barba "beard." Originally also regular practitioners of surgery and dentistry, they were restricted to haircutting and dentistry under Henry VIII. Barber-shop is from 1570s; in reference to close harmony male vocal quartets, it is attested from 1910.
barber Look up barber at Dictionary.com
early 14c., from Anglo-Fr. barbour (attested as a surname from 1221), from O.Fr. barbeor, barbieor (Mod.Fr. barbier, which has a more restricted sense than the English word), from V.L. *barbatorem, from L. barba "beard." Originally also regular practitioners of surgery and dentistry, they were restricted to haircutting and dentistry under Henry VIII. Barber-shop is from 1570s; in reference to close harmony male vocal quartets, it is attested from 1910.
weeelll yes and no. In the dictinary there are two, they're different and the same:
1.To trim or dress the hair or beard of.
2.Aperson whoose occupation is to trim or dress the hair or beard of customeres. (to trim or shave)
1.To trim or dress the hair or beard of.
2.Aperson whoose occupation is to trim or dress the hair or beard of customeres. (to trim or shave)