Does this sound good? Is there anything I should change?
The pandemic that took a world by storm
There have been tons of virus outbreaks, each one worse than the last. There are more questions than answers, and in a failing economy, the big question is how do we stop them? To know how to stop them we need to go into a deep dive of each virus outbreak and learning where they started in order to prevent further destruction.
There are a few main questions that have been raised--- where did this virus start? How do they travel? What does the economy do wrong in a pandemic? When did the first virus start? Who does this pandemic/virus effect?
So, let's begin with the first two questions—where did this virus start? The coronavirus first started in China. It started spreading through three main ways of travel—1. Airplanes, boats etc. 2. Air travel—it travels through the air. 3. Surfaces—It spreads through hand touching and surface touching.
What does the economy do wrong in a pandemic? In a pandemic such as this one, the world goes into a mass panic. They start stockpiling—which is okay, but they buy the wrong things. You should be buying canned goods, candles, flashlights, juices, water and Gatorade's.
This specific virus effects elderlies, and middle-aged people. Normally, you will be in a quarantine for around two weeks in a hospital. You will make it out okay and there isn't really a need for all of this panic.
7 answers
tonnes of virus outbreaks...
Could you be more specific...
Such as since the Spanish flu of 1918...
So... to say they will make it out ok... isn't quite right either...
Anyway, I recommend you to add more statistics. That can really strengthen your essay. Maybe look at the World Health Organization website, for example.
Also, at the beginning (like Ms. Pi said), specify that you are going to be talking about the coronavirus, and not some other virus.
I strongly recommend you to read your essay out loud. You can find mistakes you might have missed, and help develop your writing 'tone'.
You often use the word 'they' in this essay. Make sure you are specifying who 'they' are, by saying 'people' instead or something like that.
-Lots of room for important details, too. For example, how exactly did the virus start in China? Of course, you don't have to add this, but still...
Remember, be really specific, but at the same time not enough to sound like a weird blabbering robot. Like, where in China did it start? Say ' Wuhan, China'. -Like that. Details, details, details!
There have been tons of virus outbreaks, each one worse than the last. There are more questions than answers, and in a failing economy, the big question is how do we stop them? To know how to stop them we need to go into a deep dive of each virus outbreak and learning where they started in order to prevent further destruction.
(Wow! This is a really good starting paragraph! I would suggest replacing the word "virus" with "coronavirus" so that the person reading will know exactly which virus you are referring to. I would also suggest replacing "them" in the second sentence, because in a case like this, using pronouns can cause some confusion as to what you are referencing: The virus cases or the questions? One more suggestion is to change 'Tons' in the first sentence. While "tons" does sound like a lot, it doesn't really do the numbers justice. I suppose that may be because I am a month late, though! The last thing is that instead of saying "each one worse than the last" in the first sentence, you could change the wording to something like, "each one affecting more people than the last" I suggest that because when I read that part I was a bit confused. Aside from those things, this is a really, really good paragraph! NIce job!)
There are a few main questions that have been raised--- where did this virus start? How do they travel? What does the economy do wrong in a pandemic? When did the first virus start? Who does this pandemic/virus effect?
(This paragraph is pretty good, but I do have some suggestions. I would change the structure of the first sentence to "A few main questions that have been raised are 'Where did coronavirus start?' 'How does the virus travel?' 'What is the economy doing wrong during this pandemic?' 'When did the virus begin?' and 'Who does the virus affect most?'" --I did change some of the wording, which you on no account have to do, but I kept it more or less the same.-- You might also consider moving this to the first paragraph; it would make a really nice transition!)
So, let's begin with the first two questions—where did this virus start? The coronavirus first started in China. It started spreading through three main ways of travel—1. Airplanes, boats etc. 2. Air travel—it travels through the air. 3. Surfaces—It spreads through hand touching and surface touching.
(This is a pretty good paragraph, but maybe change some of the wording. Instead of addressing the reader directly, perhaps write "So, where did coronavirus start, and how does it travel?" This sentence makes your essay sound a bit more professional, I think! In the next sentence, I'd try to add more details. You mention it came from China, but if you wanted you could mention the city or region, or even how it got started in the first place. If I were writing the essay, I would write something along the lines of, "The coronavirus started in Wuhan, China, when visitors to a market got infected from eating a bat. (NOTE: This isn't part of what I would write, I don't know many details about how it started, so if you wanted to include that, you can change some of it to sound nicer, haha!) From there, the virus spread like wildfire. Infected people boarded planes, boats, and other methods of transportation, and touched surfaces where the virus thrived. Even breathing helped spread the virus because it can travel through the air!"
What does the economy do wrong in a pandemic? In a pandemic such as this one, the world goes into a mass panic. They start stockpiling—which is okay, but they buy the wrong things. You should be buying canned goods, candles, flashlights, juices, water and Gatorade's.
(This paragraph is good, too. But again, you could change some wording. I'd change the first two sentences to "What is the economy doing wrong during this pandemic? During these trying times, the world has gone into a panic." I did change some words, which, again you don't have to do, but it might help. The next two sentences are O.K., but I don't think all the information is accurate. But that's alright! It's an easy fix. I'd suggest removing the part about stockpiling being OK because people will have controversial opinions on that, and instead of focusing on what people should buy, you should focus on the fact that some businesses are booming, such as online stores like Amazon, (Ironically) Toilet paper companies, and companies like Zoom-- although you don't have to mention these specifically-- while others are closing-- a ton of small businesses, and some public services like restaurants.)
This specific virus effects elderlies, and middle-aged people. Normally, you will be in a quarantine for around two weeks in a hospital. You will make it out okay and there isn't really a need for all of this panic.
(This paragraph is on its way to being great, but it does need work. I'd suggest changing that first sentence to "The coronavirus has the worst effect on the elderly, the middle-aged, and people with pre-existing conditions, although it affects people of all ages." I think this paragraph has a lot of information that isn't completely accurate, which probably has something to do with the fact that it was written last month. That next sentences are not actually correct, so maybe you could replace it will something that is, like, "The biggest problem with the coronavirus is the number of people it affects. Because it spreads so fast, hospitals are running out of room and equipment. The best thing to do to combat the virus is to stay home and have good hygiene. As long as you are careful, you will make it out okay. Don't panic, and stay safe!"
I hope this helps if it's not too late! Good luck!
There have been hundreds of coronavirus outbreaks, each one affecting more people than the last. There are more questions than answers, but in a failing economy, the biggest question is how do we stop these outbreaks? To know how to stop them we need to go into a deep dive of each virus and answer as many questions as possible. A few main questions that have been raised are 'Where did coronavirus start?' 'How does the virus travel?' 'What is the economy doing wrong during this pandemic?' 'When did the virus begin?' and 'Who does the virus affect most?'
So, where did coronavirus start, and how does it travel? The coronavirus started in Wuhan, China, when visitors to a market got infected from eating a bat. From there, the virus spread like wildfire. Infected people boarded planes, boats, and other methods of transportation, and touched surfaces where the virus thrived. Even breathing helped spread the virus because it can travel through the air!
What is the economy doing wrong during this pandemic? During these trying times, the world has gone into a panic. People are stockpiling, and, because of this, some businesses are booming, such as online stores, delivery companies, and businesses considered necessities. Unfortunately, many small businesses and public services, such as restaurants and schools, are closing. Theses drastic inclines and decreases are wreaking havoc in the stock market and throughout the country.
The coronavirus has the worst effect on the elderly, the middle-aged, and people with pre-existing conditions, although it affects people of all ages. The biggest problem with the coronavirus is the number of people it affects. Because it spreads so fast, hospitals are running out of room and equipment. The best thing to do to combat the virus is to stay home and have good hygiene. As long as you are careful, you will make it out okay. Don't panic, and stay safe!
(I think you could probably split that last paragraph into two paragraphs, actually, because you would need a closing paragraph, right?)