Be sure to re-think this.
Document F Andrew Jackson, Proclamation to the people of South Carolina, December 10, 1832
I consider that the power of one state to annul a law of the United States is not consistent with the survival of the Union. Nullification is forbidden by the Constitution; it violates the spirit of the Constitution; it is not consistent with the principles on which the Constitution was founded; and it is destructive to the great object for which the Constitution was written.
Q6. Document F is:
(A) Anti-Federalist and economic
(B) Anti-Federalist and social
(C) Anti-Federalist and political
(D) Federalist and economic
(E) Federalist and social
(F) Federalist and political
My answer is "(F) Federalist and political". Am I correct?
2 answers
I think you're right, Cassidy. It looks to me as though this document is Federalist and political.
In this excerpt, Jackson denied the right of a state to annul a federal law. He states that it is destructive of the Union.
In this excerpt, Jackson denied the right of a state to annul a federal law. He states that it is destructive of the Union.