Here is your post from Tuesday:
"Homework Help Forum: Human services
Posted by Patiance on Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at 2:45pm.
Can you please explain to me what a Rite of Passage Paper is?
Write a 1,400- to 1,750-word paper in which you create two modern rite of passages, one for an adolescent girl and one for an adolescent boy, that address the social demands facing adolescents today.
I am just confused on where to begin, mainly because I am not sure what a Rite of Passages paper consisit of.
Human services - Ms. Sue, Tuesday, February 1, 2011 at 3:02pm
A rite of passage includes those events that signal a more mature status. Included are:
confirmation/bar mitzvah, bat mitzvah
driver's license
permission to date
middle school/high school graduation
first job
Choose two of those and explain why they fulfill social demands on adolescents."
You'll need to write:
1. Introduction
. . . A. Attention grabber
. . . B. Brief explanation of rites of passage
. . . C. Thesis Statement
2. Body
Do you write a rites of passages, the same way you would write a research paper? Do you know where I can find a sample paper?
2 answers
2. Body
. . . Include the two rites of passage and how they fulfill social needs
3. Conclusion
. . . Include the two rites of passage and how they fulfill social needs
3. Conclusion