Do you believe certain attributes are universally attractive? What are these attributes? Do you believe on's sense of beauty is intrinsic or learned? What influence do the media and one's peers have on the concept of beauty? What other factors influence the perception of attraction?

2 answers

Please note that it asks YOU. After you write your thoughts on the subject, someone will be happy to critique it.
I believe that their are only certain attributes that are universally attractive to me such as someone that has a wide nose, wide or bubbly set of eyes and a narrow waist. I believe that one sense of beauty that I have learned and heard when growing up is that "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder". However, I do not feel that different advertisements really affect a person's view of what they really and truly find beautiful, because it is different for each individual. Chemistry, personality and of course physical attributes all influence the perception of attraction for people in one way or another