Do à research based on the following topic: The translanguaging strategy as the approach towards enhancing multilingualism in the Intermediate Phase: An intergrative review.Your research must include researchers/citations .Follow the structure when writing your research

The first chapter
• Background
• Research motivation

A research problem
• Research objectives
- Research questions

Chapter two
• Literature review
The third chapter
• Outline
of thoughts
of the analyst/framework

Chapter four
• Methods of conducting research
Chapter five
• Presenting, discussing and analyzing

Chapter six
• suggestions

1 answer

Chapter One:
Multilingualism is becoming increasingly recognized as a valuable asset in today's globalized world. In the South African context, the Intermediate Phase of education holds great potential for enhancing multilingualism due to the diverse linguistic landscape of the country. Translanguaging, a strategy that involves the seamless use of multiple languages in communication, has emerged as a promising approach towards promoting multilingualism in educational contexts.

Research motivation:
Despite the growing interest in translanguaging as an approach to promoting multilingualism, there is limited research on its effectiveness in the Intermediate Phase. This study seeks to address this gap by conducting an integrative review of existing literature to explore the potential of translanguaging in enhancing multilingualism among learners in the Intermediate Phase.

Research problem:
The lack of emphasis on multilingualism in the Intermediate Phase poses a challenge for promoting linguistic diversity and inclusivity in South African schools. This study aims to investigate how the translanguaging strategy can be harnessed to enhance multilingualism in the Intermediate Phase.

Research objectives:
1. To examine the theoretical framework of translanguaging as an approach towards enhancing multilingualism.
2. To explore the current practices and challenges of implementing translanguaging in the Intermediate Phase.
3. To evaluate the impact of translanguaging on learners' language development and academic performance.

Research questions:
1. What is the theoretical underpinning of translanguaging in promoting multilingualism?
2. How is translanguaging currently being implemented in the Intermediate Phase?
3. What are the impacts of translanguaging on learners' language development and academic performance in the Intermediate Phase?

Chapter Two:
Literature review:
Researchers such as Ofelia Garcia and Li Wei have extensively studied translanguaging as a pedagogical approach that challenges traditional monolingual practices in education. Studies have shown that translanguaging can facilitate language acquisition, promote cultural identity, and improve academic outcomes for multilingual learners.

Chapter Three:
Outline of thoughts/framework:
The theoretical framework of this study is grounded in sociolinguistic theories of translanguaging and bilingualism. The integrative review will analyze existing literature to provide a comprehensive understanding of the potential of translanguaging as an approach towards enhancing multilingualism in the Intermediate Phase.

Chapter Four:
Methods of conducting research:
This study will utilize a qualitative research approach, specifically an integrative review methodology. The researcher will systematically review and synthesize existing literature on translanguaging in the Intermediate Phase to generate new insights and recommendations for future research and practice.

Chapter Five:
Presenting, discussing, and analyzing findings:
The findings of this study will be presented in a thematic analysis format, highlighting key trends, challenges, and implications of translanguaging in the Intermediate Phase. The researcher will critically discuss the findings in relation to the research objectives and contextualize them within the broader field of multilingual education.

Chapter Six:
Based on the findings of this study, recommendations will be made for educators, policymakers, and researchers on how to effectively implement translanguaging in the Intermediate Phase to enhance multilingualism. Suggestions for future research directions and professional development opportunities for teachers will also be provided.