Discuss5 ways in which the teenage pregnapregnancy prblem impacts on the comcommunity.provide relevant sources to. Support your claims

2 answers

When a teenager has a baby... what happens?

These are things to think about... how does this impact the community?
Who pays the hospital bills?
Who pays for diapers, formula, etc.?
Who pays for the doctor?

Can the teenager go back to school?
Who watches the baby?
The teen may not be able to handle the constant responsibility of 24/7 parenthood, do the parents or grandparents take over? How do they change their lives to do this?

The teen never has the freedom to just take off with friends, they miss out on fun, joyful experiences. The child experiences a subdued, less excited parent than the teen did. The result may be a precursor to depression for them in their own future. When they have children of their own the pattern may continue...