Discuss the ways in which geographers employ the ideas of distance, accessibility, and connectivity to describe the process of spatial interaction.
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The spatial interaction would be how people, or even animals, interact with each other. Think about it this way. How well do we connect with people in Artic Circle They are far away from us, and it's very hard to get there. So geographers use those factors to look at how interaction takes place and ways it could possible be hindered.
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Do I need more???
Yes, you need a lot more.
Before plane travel, telephones, and the internet, most people were fairly isolated from others. However, these inventions have increased our accessibility and connectivity and decreased the virtual distances.
Geographers analyze how real distances relate to virtual distances. Do people know the people in the next town? Do they interact with people in other countries?
Before plane travel, telephones, and the internet, most people were fairly isolated from others. However, these inventions have increased our accessibility and connectivity and decreased the virtual distances.
Geographers analyze how real distances relate to virtual distances. Do people know the people in the next town? Do they interact with people in other countries?