Discuss how you would approach creating a negative message for a superior (such as a manager at work or an instructor) versus creating a message for a colleague, subordinate, or fellow student.
Answers from previous postings:
Once you've figured out what you will write, please feel free to re-post and someone here will critique and proofread your work.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Here are some suggestions for writing negative messages!
1. http://www4.ncsu.edu/~jlarsen/w14r2.htm (for engineering & technology)
2. (Broken Link Removed) (general)
3. http://homepages.wmich.edu/~bowman/badnews.html
Remember that you don't want to be remembered as a "negative" but a "positive." So, if you present a negative message, be sure to list some "solutiions" that could be taken.