Can someone correct this and tell me if its a good answer?
Question? Discuss how you would approach creating a negative message for a superior(such as a manager at work or instructor)versus creating a message for a collegue, subordinate, or fellow student?
My answer:
A negative message addressed to a superior would be a very formal letter. It would address the technical details of what went wrong, and why, and what is being done to resolve, or mitigate, the problem. The message would also include what can be done in the future to ensure this does not happen again; and, if the resources are already available, how changes are being made to ensure this does not happen again. Finally, if possible, the message should contain minimal amount of finger pointing and blame shifting.
A negative message to a colleague or fellow student would be an informal letter. It would tend to provide less of the intricate details of the problem, but instead focus on a high level overview. The message would also contain suggestions for what can, or should, be done in the future to prevent, or mitigate, this sort of problem. Finally, the letter would be more likely to point the blame, in contrast to a letter to a superior, at the guilty party.
I don't know about your answer. Formal or informal is not the point here. It seems to me on the superior letter, one ought to stray from emotional and opinionated remarks, keeping to the point, and suggestions on what needs to be done, and asking how can you help.
On the colleague, I would focus on the problem as you see it, and suggestions for correction.
Communications assumes both parties want to communicate, and are receptive. In some cases in life, some of your superiors are not receptive to negative communications, and you have to decide how an when to try. Sometimes it is better to keep your lips zipped.
I agree with Bob Pursley. You'd get nowhere in either type of communication with any kind of blaming or finger-pointing. Stating a problem and some possible solutions is all that's needed.
conveying a negative message to your manager means you have to go straight to the point. do not panic, act ready and also be ready to provide solutions to the problems you are laying down for your manager, and aslo try not to point no finger to anybody. Keep other people out of the blame and you do not necessarily have to blame yourslef, just go staright to what the problem is and talk about the solutions you have in mind. As for student or colleagues, also be straight forward not to stare up any emotions (depending on what kind of negative message it is), lay down your solution, and allow them to be able to lay down any solutions they think might work for the problem, and do not blame no one for the problem.
1 answer