Discuss four ways in which one's acceptance of responsibility can influence effective communication

76 answers

Who else is here from Boksburg high 😭🤣🤣🤣Relly!
creates an open channel for communication
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Discuss four ways in which one's acceptance of responsibility can influence effective communication
Being responsible,owning up to the possible consequences of your decisions
* Acceptance of responsibility,to create an open channel of communication,which is honest,constructive and understanding
When u accept responsibility u become more vocal and become more confident to communicate
Good attitude

Acknowledgement of others POV or input

Reiterate what you hear so others know you are paying close attention and want to be on the same page

Eye contact, body language and being approachable

These are some good examples
Are these examples ok to use?
Who is correct?
which must we now use because there is so many we aren't even sure which are correct and which are seen as useless info
It is easier to communicate with people whi share attitudes and values
There is one major benefit to accepting responsibility for every communication: you are no longer a victim wondering why they didn’t “get it”.
Taking Accountability of actions actually reflects the maturity of a person, and reflect their desire to talk about the conflict, and negotiate peace between them. Thus, acceptance of responsibility creates an open channel of communication, which is honest, constructive and understanding.
This question is eating ma mind😜😭😭😭😭
Whoever has most likes than we will probably deal with that
There are 4 genders
Someone gotsa be right
lmfao im dying from these comments
What is with the comments even?
IDK with the comments which we use
If a person accepts responsibility for what they said - they acknowledge awareness of consequences. For instance if you said something wrong to your parents and apologies later, it shows that you acknowledge your wrongs and you're aware of the consequences
2. When you accept responsibility you become more vocal and confident to communicate
3. If you take responsibility, you can be trusted to do a job. Effective communication will not happen where there's no trust, reliability and responsibility
4. And if you want to keep a relationship, sometimes you need to make sacrifices
One of the ways that a person could be responsible is by saying 'I' in all ... Humility, discussion, acceptance of responsibility, teamwork, accountability.
If a person accepts responsibility for what they say, they acknowledge awareness of consequences. Did Adolf Hitler accept responsibility for his speeches to The German People?
Respect begets respect as what they say.
Positively. Regardless of any previous dialogue, it is the first step towards earnest healing/understanding that must be taken lest it be a bridge built on platitudes with roiling distrust and discord beneath.
Understand what's been said before you respond and listen without judging
Acceptance of responsibility can depend on whether the person accepting responsibility is actually accepting his or her fault or not. During any conflicts, the person who is guilty of initiating the conflict should understand his mistake and take responsibility.
who else from cvc is here
Eish LO
Who has more likes and thanks for giving these ideas.
1. habits you may have, could be the same habits of someone else.
2. your opinions of the way you live, as long as there good habits you’ll never have issues.
3. be willing to bend when needed as your speaking about responsibility, have affective communication.
4. taking responsibility for things make people see and like that you act like an adult
being responsible is owning up to the possible consequences of your decision whether it was right or wrong.
communication is a two way process in which there is a messenger and receiver
one of the ways by which person could be responsible is by saying ‘I’
in all the thing he would say, instead of ‘we’
for example , “We don’t like the way you acted a while ago” , change it to i don’t like tye way you acted a while ago.
here u r establishing ownership on the things you want to say to the person
Four. Ways in which one's acceptance of responsibility can influence effective communication
Effective communication occurs when the communicators take responsibility for their thoughts.
1. If I felt a need to sit with someone and discuss some action they took involving me, which was uncalled for, callous or just rude and mean, it relieves me of a great deal of pressure.

2. If that person isn’t going to own their actions be they physical, verbal or emotional it can actually make me reconsider even attempting to talk to them about it.

3. Decades of experience has shown me that the likelihood of me being able to get someone to accept responsibility when I sit to talk to them that hasn’t already done that, there can be nothing gained from the communication.

4. They will tend to deny it altogether, claim they said or did something very different, or simply dismiss the “feelings” it caused in me as being “wrong”.
Someway personality does have an important influence on effective communication. Perception can affect business interaction in positive and negative ways. Respectful and upbeat attitudes throughout helps upward and downward communication which in turn increases productivity and sales
1.It’s impossible to discuss something that one person just denies as being real, or that dismisses how it made me feel as if my feelings didn’t matter.
2.Anything I say will be considered wrong, and the frustration that can cause isn’t worth it.
3.That is why if they took full ownership before I attempt to communicate with them about it I know there is a real possibility we can reach an understanding of how they managed to step over a personal boundary.
4.It completely changes the tone of the communication. The chances for success without it are as good as me winning the national lottery.
When we respect and empathize other people's feelings, that is putting your shoes and perspective on your listeners side, you will be able to establish effective communication because this helps you build rapport towards each other.
Intrapersonal conflict affects a choice of a career

Last comment?
I can't find the relevant answer💔
Is this the last comment?
NOTE: "texting all the way from Daliwonga Secondary School👏🏽😎".... hahaha I guess everyone who got the Life Orientation assessment searched about that "1.3" question....😂 this question has no size, so many of you went online to search for the answer!!! 😂😂 Masishe is'khanda!! 💀💀💀
It completely changes the tone of the communication. The chances for success without it are as good as me winning the national lottery.
Does that mean blame god?
I guess
they should communicate
It communication will firstly be fixed if this person understands their wrongs and taking accountability of its which makes him or her fix their responsibilities
Birchleigh Students Where u at???

I know yall are hella smart and will answer this perfectly

Acceptance of responsibility can influence effective communication in a good way because it will create a channel of communication,reliability and trust
yoooo when LO is literally the easiest subject but were all lazy. lol. where my Oosterlig homies at
Responsibility means you are accountable and do your duty. You can be trusted to do a job, because you take responsibility. If you make a mistake, you apologize and say you did it; you don't try to shift the responsibility to someone else.
If you don't act responsibly, you let people down. This means they won't trust you. effective communication can't happen when there is no trust, reliability and responsibility. Friendship comes with responsibilities. If you want to keep your friends, you sometimes have to make sacrifices. You need to be there to help them.
Awe owens

There's no answer for this? lmao
There is one major benefit to accepting responsibility for every communication: you are no longer a victim wondering why they didn’t “get it”. When you take responsibility, the reason for failure is that you didn’t deliver it in a way they could easily understand. Now you can change your approach until you succeed.
Who else from Khutlo Tharo is here??
accountability which leads to honest
Who else is in here from Glenbrack High?🤣🤣🤣🤣
shows you able to set your pride aside and communicate with the ability to accept being wrong
1. If a person accepts responsibility for what they said - they acknowledge awareness of consequences. For instance if you said something wrong to your parents and apologies later, it shows that you acknowledge your wrongs and you're aware of the consequences.

2. When you accept responsibility you become more vocal and confident to communicate.

3. If you take responsibility, you can be trusted to do a job. Effective communication will not happen where there's no trust, reliability and responsibility.

4. And if you want to keep a relationship, sometimes you need to make sacrifices.
Accepting ur responsibilities actually helps for effective communication becacause its helps with consistency and no conflict can arise if everyone does what they supposed to do when they supposed to do it.
And this question is 8 marks right?
Taking Accountability of actions actually reflects the maturity of a person, and reflect their desire to talk about the conflict, and negotiate peace between them. Thus, acceptance of responsibility creates an open channel of communication, which is honest, constructive and understanding.
Ninja eyyee E
• Taking Accountability of actions that can reflects the maturity of a person

• Reflection over the people desire to talk regarding the concept of conflict

• Negotiating peace between the people

• Creating an open channel of communication having honest, constructive and good understanding

• Being responsible

• Owning up to the possible consequences of one's decisions
Introduction: By accepting the responsibility for the things that one can control, then there is a tendency that one could feel more positive regarding one's life generally. By Avoiding the transparency towards others can make us feel frustrated and little guilty.

The main responsibility of the communication depends on the both sender and the receiver & people doesn't holds themselves for being an accountable to all always.
Wow, I hope I will find my Bertharry people 😭😂😂😂
Ah 8 marks?
I need help for my home works and Im gonna help each other
I need help for my home works
YO who here is excited for the halftime show?!! Cause I know I am. All of them are going to kill it out there! BOW WOW WOW YIPPIE YO YIPPIE YAY. Ya'll didn't here this from me but I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a 2pac hologram.
YO who here is excited for the halftime show?!! Cause I know I am. All of them are going to kill it out there! BOW WOW WOW YIPPIE YO YIPPIE YAY. Ya'll didn't here this from me but I'm pretty sure there's gonna be a 2pac hologram.
Hai no guys. Its like all the questions i try to research from my assignment leads me here. okay cool i finna type in the answers to help the rest of ma favs out. In this together fellow matrics
yoo😂😂 is this question really that hard😂 seems like almost every grade12 learner is searching for the answer
Nah fam there isnt any answer here