Discus Awards College Scholarship
The Discus Awards College Scholarship is available to high school students planning to attend college. You must choose three areas from the categories on the Web site and provide evidence of your excellence in each, then post the information on the Web site. You must be nominated to qualify for this award. Self-nominations are also accepted.
(got this info @ the site)
When most people think of college scholarships, they are usually thinking of a meteoric GPA or a fantastic win-loss record on a big sports team. Not the Discus Awards.
Is this is fake, like are these people are doing this to kipnapp or hurt people around the world. This is a curious question.
Discus Awards scholarships recognize leaders on the dance team, drywall hangers supporting Habitat for Humanity, shift leaders at Starbucks, active youth group members, and social media gurus. Put simply, Discus Awards Scholarships recognize a new category of high school students: the all-around standout. Sound like you or a student you know?
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