Directions: Underline the verb in each sentence, then write past present or future.
1. We study English in Pete's class. -Underline study and this is present
2. English was not my first language.- I am confused on this sentence.
3. I will be a very good English speaker one day.-underline speaker and this is future
4. William helps Pete teach our class. -underline helps and this is present
5. The students will participate in all the class activities. -underline participate and this is future
6. At the Right to Read, Alma and Hilda completed the application form. -underline completed and this is past
7. Two new students will join our class tomorrow. -underline will join and this is future
8. Raul and Hal are the men in our class. - I am confused on this sentence
9. Maria and Eli lived in the United States for many years-underline lived and this is past
10. Noel's family in Cameroon misses her.-underline misses and this is present
Please double check the above and let me know if I am underlining the correct parts of each sentence
8 answers
#2 - "was" is what tense? The sentence could also be in the present tense and be accurate, but is stated in what tense?
#3 - wrong. "speaker" is a noun.
#4 - correct
#5 - Future tense, "participate" is not the whole verb in this sentence.
#6 - correct
#7 - correct
#8 - Hal is a man. Raul is a man. Raul and Hal are men. What is the verb?
#9 - correct
#10 - correct
2. English was not my first language.-underline was as the verb and this is past tense
3. I will be a very good English speaker one day.-underline will be as the verb and this is future tense
5. The students will participate in all the class activities. -underline will participate as the verb and this is future tense
8. Raul and Hal are the men in our class.-underline are and this is present tense
Please double check the above
Thank you