Direct- and indirect-object pronouns combined

8-16 Dos amigas hablan. Completa las oraciones.

MARÍA: Juanita, ¿quién ______ mandó las flores?
JUANITA: Alejandro ____, ____ mandó.
MARÍA: ¿Vas a mostrar ____ a tus papás?
JUANITA: Sí, ____ , ______ voy a mostrar ahora mismo.

i am confused with direct object and indirect object , help plz!

1 answer

If you have had a good English class, that helps with the difference between the direct object and the indirect object. Here are the object pronouns (with the English translation in parentheses)

Direct OBjects:
me (me), te (you, familiar, singular), lo (him or it for a masculine singular noun), la (her or it, for a feminine singular noun) as well as lo (you, formal, singular(Ud.) male) and la (you, formal, singular, female) PLURAL: nos (us), os (you-all, familiar plural vosotros/vosotras), los (them - masculine plural or masculine and feminine plural + you-all, formal (uds.) plural), las (them = feminine plural, you-all, feminine formal plural)

For the Inirect Objects One of these words is either STATED or UNDERSTOOD = to, for, at, from
me (me), te (you, singular & familiar) LE (him, her,you-formal-singular, it) PLURAL: nos (us), os (you-all-familiar-plural), LES (them, you-all-formal-plural)

NOTE that whether it is direct or indirect object pronoun in Spanish, these are alike: me, te, nos, os

Where you MUST understand the difference is in th 3rd person singular or 3rd person plural = lo, la, los, las VERSUS le, les.

When BOTH a direct object pronoun beginning with "l" (lo, la, los, las) is used WITH an indirect-object pronoun beginning with "l" (LE, LES), either LE or LES is changed to SE, for sound.

example: Le doy el libro a Juan. (I give the book (DO) to John (IO). When I substitute "lo" for the book, it becomes = SE lo doy a Juan. It is important to add "a Juan" becuase "SE" could stand in for EITHER "le" or "les."

Your dialogue ¿Quién te mandó las flores? Alejandro me las mandó. ¿Vas a mostárselas a tus papás? Sí, se las voy a mostar ahora mism o.

Feel free to ask any questions you may still have.

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