
You have been saving for a new pair of sneakers that will be released at end of the month. After months of saving, you realise that you will need help from your mother to purchase them.

1 answer

Here's a possible dialogue:

You: Mom, can I talk to you for a minute?

Mom: Sure, what's up?

You: Well, you know how I've been saving up for those new sneakers that are coming out at the end of the month?

Mom: Yes, I remember you mentioning that.

You: Well, I've been doing my best to save as much as I can, but I don't think I'll have enough money to buy them on my own.

Mom: I see. How much more do you need?

You: About $50. I was wondering if you could lend me that amount and I promise to pay you back as soon as I can.

Mom: Hmm, I understand how much you want those sneakers, but I don't want you to get into debt or spend all your savings on them. Have you considered waiting a bit longer and saving up a bit more?

You: I have, but I'm afraid they might sell out before I have enough money. Plus, I've been looking forward to getting them for so long.

Mom: I understand. Let me think about it and we'll talk more later, okay?

You: Okay, thanks for listening, Mom.