The second sentence has a single subject: Cory.
The first sentence has a compound subject: Homer F and Janine S (two people).
Detective Homer Fry and jenine Small looked high and low for clues.
Cory drove to middleton in his search for Eloise.
Dose one of these sentence have simple subject also be its complete subject.
4 answers
how about these two
Crocodiles,quiet as logs,lurked on the riverbanks.
Large and small dinosaure,stalked the grassy plains.
Crocodiles,quiet as logs,lurked on the riverbanks.
Large and small dinosaure,stalked the grassy plains.
Using DrWLS's answer to your previous question, which of these sentences do you think has only a simple subject?
Answer the question.... what lurked.
Then you will have the subject.
in the second sentence answer the question ....what stalked.
Then you will have the subject.
in the second sentence answer the question ....what stalked.