Read this and reconsider your answer:
"The American consumer rediscovered that old enthusiasm. Factories had to start hiring; builders could hardly put up new houses fast enough; and by the time the year was over, the unemployment rate surprised almost everyone by its rapid improvement.
"While tax cuts helped put money in cash registers, economists outside the Administration gave their anti-inflation awards to Paul Volcker. The Federal Reserve Board Chairman safely confirmed to a new term kept reaching austerity, but $200 billion Federal deficits remained, helping keep interest rates high and the dollar expense of enough overseas to produce the worst American trade performance ever.
"The President's top economist, Martin Feldstein, urged Congress to balance the budget, even if that meant raising taxes. But taxes were not what the President had in mind, and the resulting flap forced Feldstein to fight for his job … "
Despite an economic turn around in 1983,
A. inflation rose dramatically.
B. tax rates continued to go up.***
C. the number of the working poor increased.
D. immigration to the United States declined.
can someone check this please if its wrong can you tell me the wright answer
1 answer