Describe your experience with credit and credit cards in a brief paragraph using at least five adverbs and five adjectives in your description. Bold the adverbs and underline the adjectives. What is the most effective way to determine whether a word is an adjective or an adverb? Are these correct?
My first(adj)experience with a credit card was a disaster. I learned quickly(adv) about debt. I did not realize then how drastically (adv)the credit card debt could affect my future. I was completly(adv) unaware of the damage I was doing to myself. I am still working hard(adj) on paying back the total balance of what was a five thousand dollar(adj) limit. If I was not made aware of the effects of this when I went to get a loan shortly(adv)after I maxed out the card it could of ended horribly(adv) resulting in poor(adj)credit. I am grateful that being that young(adj) I was taught a lesson. What bothers me the most about the situation is that I have nothing to show for those frivilous(adj) purchases. This was a costly(adv) mistake that I do not plan on repeating.
1 answer
The two underlined sections have errors in adj and adv identification.
The bold sections indicate where I've made corrections in basic grammar.
Let me know if you have questions.