Describe the means by which Spain attempted to defend and spread Catholicism at home and abroad.

53 answers

Please help anyone
Ms. sue OK not trying to be mean but some of the links you be sending they are no help just stop with the links please.
My, you're a fast reader -- to read the entire article in less than 5 minutes.

Please check your reading assignment.
@Ms.Sue yea
I do read fast
If you slow down, you may understand that very informative article.
ma'am, you do realize that all teachers do not want their students to use Wikipedia? anyone can edit on Wikipedia, so it's pretty much useless, not sure why you claim to be a teacher yet recommend Wikipedia
Spanish missionaries spread Catholicism through America by preaching the doctrine to the native Indians. The Franciscan religious order was one of the first that arrived after the conquest and started their missions because the Pope had said that "Indians were capable of learning Catholicism."
This question is the property of Pearson Education. Use these answers and you will get caught.
"UsE ThESe AnsWErs AnD yOu WilL gET CaUgHt" don't act like you don't come on this website to find answers.And not everyone comes here to cheat some people come here to check answers.So you should mind your own business.THANK YOU FOR YOUR CONCERN.HAVE A NICE DAY!
But seriously guys, whats the answer? Plus I'm to lazy to read an artical, soooo yea. lol <3
cheatersgonnacheat is actyally correct if you use those answers your taking a huge chance at getting caught. Im in no way judging and use these sites for help too however I did get caught using answers from this site. They cant prove the multiple choice but the can written questions so I now use them to help me find the answers while also using google then put it into my own words Connexus told me the teachers often come to Brainly and jiskha and are well aware of the sites they also are able to tell what answers come from a 4-5-6-7-8+ grade student and what's came from the internet our wording isn't gonna be as professional/grown up. all of our assignments are ran through a system that checks the internet for word for word matches. I failed entire class for cheating and if caught again will be expelled all teachers now know to watch my work so be careful and never write word for word. most answers I see on here like above are word for word copied and pasted from google and one of the first answers that pop up

Ms Sue while I admire your dedication to helping all the students on this site and for so long I agree Wikipedia is the #1 site teachers tell us every single year were not allowed to use because its not accurate since anyone any age any reason can edit the information. sometimes just a answer would be nice if students wanted to read articles they'd read their textbooks or google themselves. many students like myself can read it 10 times but not find the answer because its too much information thats why these sites help me I'm adhd my mind wonders when reading
@izuku *insert mocking spongebob format*
also just saying i have been caught before - but I still come on here get the answers and put them in different words so just a tip don't copy and paste lol
teachers come on here too to see if their students are cheating
THANK YOU IZUKU! @cheatersgonnacheat i bet you are a cheater!
don't be sus, use lexi answers, change most of it, but keep the basic idea.
who the heck cares if we reuse answers, cheatersgonnacheat and charlie are just some keyboard wairrors, anyway if i die alone on a rainy street in wisconsin as a homeless dude because i cheated on school then let me die
What is the answer!!!!
guys tip just copy and paste then change a bit just paraphrase and they won't care as long as you learn it
Wow Izuku why can't you pop off on Bakugou like that Like if you did that I bet he would stop being rude to you. You should also say hes name in a angry tone, then he would really be scared. I bet he would lose it. Also why are you cheating I thought you were smart unlike me who has like 2 braincells because of my quirk
Spain enlisted the Spanish inquisition to punish heretics or people they believed were against their religion. Then, their next goal to drive those who were not Christian out of Spain. They also tried to force the Netherlands to accept the Catholic faith. Finally, the Spanish spread Catholicism to the territories and colonies in America and the Pacific.

im pretty sure this is right please let me know :)

also please check out this video
h ttps :// /n_PyjJ- WAXI

minus the spaces because for some reason it wont let me post URLs lol
very sus
chang it AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE or u will get caught and u will fail
trust me
they r good but we r better
Just delete useless info so you don't get caught.
I agree with drippy. Teachers can see if we cheat or get answers from a website so if you look it up At Least Try To Learn something but DONT copy and paste. Rewrite in your own words but make sense though.

Tip: Reread your answer to make sure you learned at least 1 thing.
I'm sorry. But the fact that I read through all of these answers and there are so many spelling errors ;-; isn't everyone on this site at least in middle school??
first of all denki that is not me and second maby i will try to be more confident in my sellf and one last thing drippy is right it is not right i come on here to cheat, i check my answers on this weeb sight or google and help those who
need help, that is also not miss sue miss sue died a few years ago so some one is pretending to be her sadly ╯︿╰
Anyone tell me the page in which this information is located in the world history text book. Please, thank you
im just here to get ideas- I know what to right just not how, so does that apply to me-?
what is happening?- o,o''
:) (Also Izuku Is Based)
Omg touhou fan ?
if you copy and paste, teachers have masheens that tell the m you cheated.
I read through this and was extremely confused...
Anyway, I read through the textbook DESPERATELY looking for an answer to the question for about 20 minutes and could not find a thing. Normally, with the essay questions, there is a keyword that you can use to search something on the textbook and research an answer, but the way that the question is phrased makes that near impossible to do. The best keyword is Spain or maybe Catholicism, but the problem is that these two words are mentioned so much that it can't really be found. My best bet is to just search up what you can online, find a website that mentions the Renaissance, and go from there.
Sorry that I cannot be much help, but at least I gave a cr*p.
I am ambidelous, not ambidextrous.
Have a good day, goodbye.
- Totally himiko toga
Also, am I the only one that gives a cr*p about spelling? Seriously, everyone here should know how to write a sentence.
But, that may just be
to everyone who says you'll get caught: I've been using this website for quite a while now, almost 5 years. I've never gotten caught at all. And I've used it in 3 different schools. Connexus, Yio Chu Kang, and one I forgot the name of. Believe me, from experience, it's hard to get caught if you change the answers up a bit.

It's not okay to cheat tho, don't be like me.
Geeeeeez can yalll stop arguing about if a person will get caught or not and just help US!!!!!
Answer: The Spain attempted to defend the spread of Catholicism at home and abroad by preaching the doctrine to the Native Indians. The Francisan order arrived (And was one of the first to arrive) after the conquest and started their missions because as the Pope said; "Indians we're capable of learning Catholicism."

I just want people on this website to know that if you copy and paste not only will your teacher know that you're "cheating" or whatever you want to call it they will know EXACTLY where you got it from, they get a link that tells them where you went to get your answer. so just be careful with the copying and pasting. At my old school my teacher always sent me the links where I got my answers from and I got into a lot of trouble JUST for copying and pasting, and I'm especially warning y'all about Connexus because they are very very strict about this type of stuff.
@Al3_Brush (if your Connexus) did you get this from the textbook if so can you please give the page number and lesson but not like the page number for the irl textbook but the online textbook the one you get from the links in the lesson
i wanted ansers not drama
Wish me luck guys final test, got a B overall, hopefully I pass this
if you want textbook click on the WH book link on the legacy of protestant thing and go five pages and scroll to the bottom where it says, "Spain Defends Catholicism...."
Hello! How may I assist you today?
Miss sue does not help at all
I'm sorry to hear that. Is there anything in particular you need help with?
man, people clowning those people who are annoying lol. just came to cheat cause I am lazy. lol
I see. While cheating may seem like an easy way out, it ultimately does not benefit you in the long run. It's important to take the time to learn and understand the material so that you can succeed in the future. Would you like any help with your work or studies?
man people gonna clown this bot 💀💀💀💀
I'm here to assist with any questions you may have. Is there something specific you need help with?