Since this is not my area of expertise, I searched Google under the key words "describe the flow of blood in the human body" to get these possible sources:
In the future, you can find the information you desire more quickly, if you use appropriate key words to do your own search. Also see
Don't just copy the material. Express the ideas in your own words. Although this will take more time and effort, you will learn more.
Describe the flow of blood in the human body, including through each of the four chambers of
the heart. Explain how the blood changes as it moves through various locations in the body.
39 answers
Please help me!!!!!!!! This is a connections academy question for my science test!!!
# someone, actually start doing the work.
You Connections Academy student's need to stop trying to get answers, This is a question to a 7th Grade Science Test called
"The Human Body" You kids need to learn
this is plagiarism if you copy the answers do what PsYDAG Said.
"The Human Body" You kids need to learn
this is plagiarism if you copy the answers do what PsYDAG Said.
I go to connections and I never never copy and paste it is a stupid thing to do your not honest if you copy and paste so yeah #someone you should do recerch not copy and paste I am done with that test just came on here to help not to give answers.+ I used to go to public school and you still was not able to copy and paste the answer's like on a essay or something.
look peeps quit copying and pasting .-. your gonna get in trouble and worse your gonna get a F. so use your own words!
Or you could actually do the work in the first place instead of Googling the questions on your test.
Hey I would like the answer and I want to put in my own words! I have been stuck on this quiz for hours now...
I'm laughing so hard this is so recent and I'm also trying to figure out the answer for my study guide holy carp! I'm not plagiarizing my answer I'm just looking for the answer for my study guide so i can reword it and carp.
Blood enters the heart through two large veins, the inferior and superior vena cava, emptying oxygen-poor blood from the body into the right atrium of the heart. ... As the ventricle contracts, blood leaves the heart through the pulmonic valve, into the pulmonary artery and to the lungs where it is oxygenated.
I come here only to check . I would never cheat , that’s not learning at all! But some kids just really need help .
So there’s no need to be rude .
So there’s no need to be rude .
If you copy and paste your messed up. Because someone took their times to help you with what you need help with, and your just going to run off and copy it. #sick.
Well exactly copying and pasting it is cheating yes indeed it is but if you read it and rewrite it into your own words its not.
well some people don't like science and they would need help so if someone would just let go in the right direction that would be great.
1, Guys Stop. You say "stop cheating" but you have posted test and questions too. So stop acting like you have not Okay. :)
Describe the flow of blood in the human body, including through each of the four chambers of the heart. Explain how the blood changes as it moves through various locations in the body.
Okay first of all you people that are calling us cheaters why yall even here if you have something to say don't say it your just causing yourself more trouble plus why are you supposedly "checking" on us don't u have work to do so why don't you mind your own business if we cheat we cheat OK its not your job to judge who we are and second of all dude stop acting like ms sue
i dont give a dam if we get 0 we need these answers were not perfect OK so stop if we just study we eventually forget what we learned on theres this thing if you study to much you turn crazy
and its true
hi there i'm not going to copy and paste my answer here bc i don't wanna get ~exposed~ ya know, but i know it sucks to actually have to watch an entire video and all, but this video in khan academy really really helped me. all you really have to do is watch the video and summarize it to get the answer for your test. best of luck!
((having trouble pasting the link, but if you look up "flow through the heart" it should be the first video there (on khan academy . com) ))
((having trouble pasting the link, but if you look up "flow through the heart" it should be the first video there (on khan academy . com) ))
The circulatory system is important in meeting the needs of all cells in the body because it offers means of transport by which cells obtain the materials needed to live and function. The functions of the circulatory system by which the cells are supported include: 1. Respiration- oxygen is delivered to the cells and carbon dioxide is removed from them. 2. Nutrition- nutrients for energy are supplied to every cell in the body. 3. Waste removal- metabolic waste products are taken away before they accumulate and become harmful to the cells. 4. Cellular communication- hormones are transported to the cells and organs that need them for proper functioning. 5.Thermoregulation- As blood circulates, it keeps body temperature balanced and thus cells are able to carry out processes well.
your welcome
your welcome
you copied and pasted that. don't give a "your welcome" if you didn't do anything lmao
good point
human heart have four chamber . Upper sides of left and right are called antrium and
lower sides are called ventricle . It consist valves which prevent the back flow of blood.
lower sides are called ventricle . It consist valves which prevent the back flow of blood.
Just saying you guys need to chill out, not everyone is perfect and some people have trouble learning and need help. :) <3
The answers to the connections test are:
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. A
14. vocabulary word
15. vocabulary word
16. vocabulary word
17.vocabulary word
18. vocabulary word
19. vocabulary word
20. vocabulary word
21. vocabulary word
22. vocabulary word
23. vocabulary word
24. your own answer
25. your own answer
100% correct
1. A
2. C
3. D
4. C
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. A
14. vocabulary word
15. vocabulary word
16. vocabulary word
17.vocabulary word
18. vocabulary word
19. vocabulary word
20. vocabulary word
21. vocabulary word
22. vocabulary word
23. vocabulary word
24. your own answer
25. your own answer
100% correct
your welcome
Okay guys this is the craziest jiska page I have ever seen.
First, yes plagiarism is illegal and wrong but calling people out on the internet is rude! So, quit calling names, how old are we? Two?
Us connexus students in sixth grade at least don't get a book to refer to so some like to find it on the internet and put it in our own words, not all of us are plagiarists! Esper and coolman65 I agree
First, yes plagiarism is illegal and wrong but calling people out on the internet is rude! So, quit calling names, how old are we? Two?
Us connexus students in sixth grade at least don't get a book to refer to so some like to find it on the internet and put it in our own words, not all of us are plagiarists! Esper and coolman65 I agree
Use sniping tool to capture the answers then retake the quiz and use the captured answers.
This virus sucks :/
I hope it will be over soon
I hope it will be over soon
don't copy and past just go to google search it up and research not that hard is it
and @France your speaking facts
you guys are funny.
I mean look, This site is for kids who need help and stuff but hey we use it for all the test answers. We should be ashamed of our selves but were not. I mean, heck were going through a global pandemic so what the heck if we use some answers and fix it up a little to look like our work. Just stop acting all tough cause I know were all just kids in 6th grade tryin to get this answer right.
by the way "Yall need to shut up and listen," this is a 7th grade test, so how are you in 6th grade?
they're not being "rude" lol y'all kids need to learn, all your answers are in what you've reviewed
Wait, if this is a 7th grade test, why do I have it in the 8th grade?............
yeah same
what is the point in going through all of the trouble to get a f when you can just cheat on your assessment and get an a just cheat it takes less time and you get a better grade