That's a good but complicated definition. (Note that it should be ". . . defined as mental DISORDERS . . .")
Shouldn't the last words be: "adaptive development TO THE culture?"
definition of Psychological disorders
Psychological disorders or personality disorders can be defined as mental disorder with inflexible, enduring, maladaptive orderly sequences of adjustment to life associated with subjective distress or severe impairment of adaptive development or culture.
2 answers
Personality disorders are only one small category of psychological disorders. Which are you trying to define?
Psychological disorders include personality disorders, psychotic disorders, anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, dissociative disorders, sexual and gender identity disorders and disorders related to substance abuse. Of course — and unfortunately — having one of these disorders does not make you immune to having another at the same time.
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.
Psychological disorders include personality disorders, psychotic disorders, anxiety disorders, somatoform disorders, dissociative disorders, sexual and gender identity disorders and disorders related to substance abuse. Of course — and unfortunately — having one of these disorders does not make you immune to having another at the same time.
I hope this helps a little more. Thanks for asking.