anti-urbanism - Dictionary definition of anti-urbanism | Encyclopedia ...
anti-urbanism. A Dictionary of Sociology. anti-urbanism An intellectual current and strand of social science writing which is critical of the city as a social form. Negative attitudes to urbanization—and the 'pastoral myth' of the countryside—predate the industrial revolution. ... The city, in other words, is 'a mirror of ..."
Urban transformation:
"change in the urbanization processes are ignored without considering their. content and are taken for granted under a general term of urban. transformation. The definition of the concept of urban transformation in. planning theory changes in each period and the approach to urban.Aug 31, 2011
Conceptual challenges on urban transformation" - A|Z ITU Journal of ...
define anti-urban
define urban transformations
DO NOT link me to any sites
7 answers
i clearly said don't link me to sites and that's what you cleary did. -_-
For heaven's sake. I copied the information from those sites. Why do you object to that?
Besides, of course I had to cite the source of this information.
It's highly unlikely that any of our tutors could give you these definitions off the tops of their heads.
It's highly unlikely that any of our tutors could give you these definitions off the tops of their heads.
i already searched it up and didn't understand it. that's why i came on here. i just needed someone to explain it to me but that's ok.
Anti-urbanism is a school of thought that holds that life is better in the country-side and small towns than it is in cities. Urban transformation is how cities change over time, sometimes as planned, sometimes regardless of anyone's planning such changes.
thank you so much reed!