decisions, which type of thinking would you be most likely to use? Explain your answer.

1.Deciding whether or not to stop and vote as you are driving home on election day
2.Deciding whom you will vote for
3.Deciding which school to attend
4.Reading through the entire assignment before beginning work
5.Deciding whether or not to post a picture on Instagram or Facebook
6.Deciding whether or not to loan money to a family member
7.Deciding where to stop to pick up dinner
8.Deciding which car to purchase
9.Deciding which is the right deal for purchasing a car
10.Deciding what to wear to a job interview

Submission Criteria

Write a 1–2-page paper in Word format. Use the following filenaming convention: Lastname_FirstInitial_Week 10_Assignment.doc.

1 answer

Since I do not know your course and the nomenclature used, I can't give you the answers. Use your course materials to decide, then take each of the ten situations and describe why you think a particular kind of reasoning would apply to each.