Dear reader,
I need help with my reading homework and when you can, can you help me with it?
Thanks for reading.
From yours truly,
Tell what you think she/he should do.
Tashas' mom wants her to clean her room, but Tasha would rather wating her tv. She doesnt like cleaning her room, but her mom told her to. What should she do?
1. What do you think she should do?
2.why do you think so?
3.Who do you think is right Tasha or her mom? Why? ______________________________________________________
9 answers
I can't think of anything. =( *bummed*
1. Tasha should clean her room and then watch t.v. Or make a deal- watch one t.v. show and then clean her room and watch t.v. again.
2. Because then she could get her way- do something and get a reward.
3. That's hard to say. Tasha's mom is right for having her do chores. Tasha just wants to watch t.v.
Being 12 years old, I don't like chores but I have to do them. Me and my mom make reasonable deals like this.
2. Because then she could get her way- do something and get a reward.
3. That's hard to say. Tasha's mom is right for having her do chores. Tasha just wants to watch t.v.
Being 12 years old, I don't like chores but I have to do them. Me and my mom make reasonable deals like this.
You are in the 5th grade, right? IF your mom tells you to do chores and you want to watch t.v, what would you do?
umm idk what i would do i like watching tv but i hate cleaning my room.
And thanks. =)
And thanks. =)
your welcome- and i understand what you mean. i hate chores and like t.v, so, yeah i understand you ☺
Thx for helping me answer the questions.
no prob ☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻☺☻
how do u do the faces???
:) :) :)
:) :) :)
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