Date US Population

Jul 1, 2012 313.85 million
Jul 1, 2011 311.59 million
Jul 1, 2010 309.35 million
Jul 1, 2009 306.77 million
Jul 1, 2008 304.09 million
Jul 1, 2007 301.23 million
Jul 1, 2006 298.38 million
Jul 1, 2005 295.52 million
Jul 1, 2004 292.81 million
Jul 1, 2003 290.11 million
Jul 1, 2002 287.63 million

3. The data for the United States population is out of date; however, you see a trend in the data that you can use to estimate the population for 2013 so you can reach today’s readers. Following the pattern, predict the approximate United States population be for July 2013? Justify your answer.

2 answers

annual growth:
1.48 2.70 2.71 2.86 2.85 2.86 2.68 2.58 2.14 2.26

Average growth for past 2 years is 2.20, so I'd guess 316.05 million

If you want to do a last-squares line, that'd be cool, too.
Thank you Steve. That was my thinking as well. Appreciate it!!