I suppose theta 1 goes with A and theta 2 goes with B ?
I suppose theta is angle counterclockwise from +x axis?
If so:
Ax = 4.8 cos 44.9
Ay = 4.8 sin 44.9
Bx = 8.7 cos 146.1
By = 8.7 sin 146.1
(A+B)x = Ax + Bx
(A+B)y = Ay + By
|A+B| =sqrt[ (A+B)x^2 + (A+B)y^2 ]
theta_1 = 44.9 theta_2 = 146.1
A = 4.8 cm B = 8.7 cm
A)What is the x component of vector A?
B)What is the y component of vector A?
C)What is the x component of vector B?
D)What is the y component of vector B?
E)What is the magnitude of vector (A + B)?
4 answers
For part E which x and y do I plug in?
Part E is this:
|A+B| =sqrt[ (A+B)x^2 + (A+B)y^2 ]
|A+B| =sqrt[ (A+B)x^2 + (A+B)y^2 ]
I know but which values do I plug in?