Thank you, Sarah. :-)
This isn't hard work; it's fun for me! And, no, I don't get paid, nor do any of the other volunteers on this board.
I'm a retired teacher and live alone. I've watched enough TV to last more than a lifetime -- so this is the main part of my evenings' entertainment.
We all get a lot of satisfaction from helping students learn.
Thanks again for your complimentary post. I appreciate it.
Do you get paid for all for all of this hard work that you do??? BEcuase you are always on helping all students on a ton of subjects..
I really appreciate what you do and you deserve to get paid for all the students you are really helping, without giving them the answers but rather showing them how to find them themselves.
2 answers
Your compliments and appreciation are worth more than a paycheck for those of us who help out here.
Your compliments and appreciation are worth more than a paycheck for those of us who help out here.