1. The preterit (fuimos) means that "for one instant" we became young. This requires the imperfect = éramos = we WERE young (for quite some time)
However "siempre comiámos" is fine = we USED TO eat or we ATE (many times)
2. This is a "sequence of tense" problem. If the main verb is the PRESENT (esperan), or FUTURE even, the Subjunctive must be PRESENT SUBJUNCTIVE. "aprenda"
However, if you want the Past Subjunctive (aprendiera), the main verb must also be PAST TENSES (imperfect, preterit or conditional) = esperaban, or esperaron or esperarían que y o aprendiera.
PS Feel free to ask any question if there is still something you do not understand.
Cuando mis hermanos y yo fuimos menores, siempre comíamos en aquel restaurante.
Mis padres esperan que yo aprendiera mucho en la escuela.
These 2 sentences are wrong. Please help
1 answer