"Cuando eras pequeña, ¿vivian tus abuelos cerca de tu familia?" "No, ellos _____ muy lejos."

a. vivimos
b. vivían
c. viven
d. vivíamos

When you were small, did your grandparents live near your family? No, they _____ very far


i'm not sure which one it is in spanish

2 answers

Again you need to identify the Present Tense (a, c) versus the Past Tense (a is also the Preterit, b & d are the Imperfect) and the subject-verb ending.

a. either we live, we do live, we are living (Present) OR we lived, we did live (Preterit)

b. they used to live, they were living, they lived (Imperfect)

c. they live, they do live, they are living (Present)

d. we lived, we used to live, we were living (Imperfect)

